Product Safety

Hunstman Building Solutions products have an excellent health and safety record spanning more than 350,000 insulation projects over more than 25 years. Nonetheless, safe handling practices during and immediately following installation are required to eliminate the possibility of health effects from exposure to isocyanates. Asthma, other lung problems, and irritation of the nose and throat can result from inhalation of isocyanates. Direct contact with the skin and eyes can result in irritation. Different individuals will react differently to the same exposures; some will be more sensitive than others.

Everyone (other than Hunstman Building Solutions-certified spray technicians) must vacate the job site, remaining completely out of the building or at least 50 feet away, while the spray is applied and for at least 24 hours after spraying is completed to allow active ventilation of the job site and to ensure the foam chemicals are completely cured. No exceptions.

Independent studies indicate that with 24 hours’ active ventilation after spraying is completed, Hunstman Building Solutions spray foam insulation is safely cured.