Spray Foam Installer Saratoga

Spray Polyurethane Foam insulation is designed keep homes warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. It is applied directly to the gaps, cracks, and surfaces that are responsible for heat loss. It insulates and seals air leaks which makes it one of the simplest and most effective ways of insulating homes and new construction. If installed properly by a professional, SPF can:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHelp you save on your energy bills*

  • The EPA estimates (for all insulation) that homeowners who air seal and insulate their homes could save as much as 20% of heating and cooling costs (or up to 10% of your total energy costs). (Source: Energy Star)
  • SPF is not as susceptible to heat transfer as most other insulation material, with R-values usually between 3.5 - 6.5 per inch of thickness. R-value is used to rate a material's ability to resist heat transfer. The greater the R-value, the more efficient the insulation.
  • Spray Foam Insulation reduces humid air infiltration which helps prevent moisture from entering your home. This extra moisture barrier helps keep load off of your heating and cooling systems as well as helping your home to feel more comfortable.

*Savings vary. Higher R-values mean greater insulating power. Consult your contractor for additional information.

Reduce your heating and air conditioning system size

  • The size of your HVAC system can be reduced by as much as 35% without losing efficiency and comfort. (Source: Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association)

Reduce draft, noise and greatly increase comfortImage-Drafty-home-Stock-image-2011-MKT

  • SPF is an efficient air barrier.
  • SPF is typically used to prevent drafts from any windows, doors, and attics creating a more comfortable interior environment.
  • SPF also acts as an effective sound barrier.

Impede the entry of insects

  • Using SPF effectively seals your home from outside intruders like insects and other pests.

Minimize drafts that can create condensation and often result in mold growth

  • Moist air inside of the home can be the beginning of mold growth. Gaps and cracks allow moist air to enter the home and condense on windows and other surfaces which keeps the humidity high and promotes mold growth. If this is left unchecked, mold and mildew can cause wood to start to rot. Sealing the gaps between your attic and living area will help to manage moisture problems and help increase the comfort of your home.

Sealing small cracks to help insulate larger areas like walls and roofs

Image-Double-R-value-Hunstman Building Solutions-2011-MKT

  • Because Spray Polyurethane Foam sprayed on and expands it can more effectively seal and insulate small cracks that are often found in homes. The application process also makes it easier to cover more expansive surfaces like walls and attics in a fairly short amount of time.

Resists settling and doesn't easily deteriorate

  • Due to its nature, SPF is excellent at maintaining its structure and resisting deterioration over time.

You may qualify for rebates, tax credits and green certificationImage-Savings-ahead-Shutterstock-Stock-image-2011-MKT

  • Due to the increased efficiency of your home after installing SPF, you may qualify for tax credits equal to 30% of your purchase up to $1500 per year.
  • Local utilities will often offer rebates for efficiency upgrades to your home. You should check with your provider to verify eligibility.
  • For more information about federal tax credits you can visit the ENERGY STAR web site on Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Energy Efficiency.

Contact Us for more information or to get a quote.
